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The importance of Risk Planning

There are 4 main factors to consider when it comes to your personal risk insurance. Death, Disability, Severe illness and Retrenchment. Meet with our advisors to discuss putting measures in place to have this risk covered to benefit you and your loved ones.

Death Cover provides capital to your elected beneficiaries upon the death of the life assured. This capital may be used to provide a monthly income for the family as well as settle any debts.

Disability Cover may provide an income or a lump-sum upon a disability event. This capital may be used to cover medical expenses and cover debts. The income is paid as long as you are considered disabled.

Severe illness cover is a capital paid to the life assured. This may be used towards medical expenses or debts.

Retrenchment cover is relatively new to the industry. This provides cover with your salary being replaced for a certain period of time upon being retrenched.

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